Blue ocean tide with foam

AGU Vice Chair, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024

Vice Chair Position

The biennial Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is jointly convened by the American Geophysical Union (AGU), Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) and The Oceanography Society (TOS). The OSM is overseen by a Program Committee responsible for the scientific content of the meeting as well as ancillary events, plenary speakers, and award ceremonies. The Program Committee is composed of a Chair and Vice Chair selected by each of the three participating societies. This advertisement is for the AGU Vice Chair position.

The Vice Chair position has a 2-year term associated with the February 2024 meeting. The Vice Chair is expected to become the AGU Co-Chair for the 2026 Ocean Sciences Meeting, extending the term to 4 years, contingent on success and a desire to continue.

The Vice Chair participates as a member of the Program Committee. The Vice Chair must attend two in-person meetings of the Program and Organizing Committees, as well as periodic teleconferences. AGU, TOS and ASLO staff will also participate in these meetings and provide information appropriate for each meeting.

The Vice Chair is responsible for assisting the society Co-Chairs with leading the larger Organizing Committee, which is responsible for the scientific program including scheduling sessions and science presentations. The Vice Chair works closely with the Co-Chairs to prepare and/or respond to issues concerning new approaches, recommending new policies that impact the scientific program, the Program and Organizing Committees, convener or author participation, general meeting policies or other issues during organization of the meeting. The Co-Chairs and Vice Chairs are expected to work within the policies set by the three participating societies.

Email submissions

The deadline to submit is 15 June 2022.
Email CV and letter of interest.


The Vice Chair is expected to:

  • Actively promote the Ocean Sciences Meeting to the relevant communities.
  • Help formulate the Organizing Committee, recruit plenary speakers and assist in organizing meeting ancillary events such as early career and student functions, social gatherings, etc.
  • Actively solicit sessions and presenters from leading scientists in order to facilitate the best sessions for the meeting program including working with partner organizations for each meeting.
  • Help create focus for UN Decade of the Ocean programming including goal focus, thinking through potential partners, and integration Decade programming throughout the meeting.
  • Work with AGU staff, the Program Committee, AGU leadership, and AGU members to extend the reputation of the Ocean Sciences Meeting.
  • Support the inclusion of interdisciplinary science, including the bridging of basic and applied research
  • Work with co-chairs and program committee to create DEI opportunities and partnerships that support DEI opportunities
  • Participate in discussions as appropriate in their role as Vice Chair.
  • Participate in appropriate face-to-face or virtual meetings, as required.
  • Be a member of AGU Ocean Sciences Section Executive Committee for 4 years starting in 2023
Ocean Coast with beach and mountains

Characteristics of an Effective Vice Chair

The Ocean Sciences Meeting advances the vision and mission of AGU to promote discovery in Earth and space science, and to bring together communities of scientists who collaboratively advance and communicate science and the impact it has on sustainability. As such, the potential Vice Chair should have:

  • Expertise and experience in ocean sciences
  • Understanding of AGU’s governance structure
  • A high degree of organization
  • The willingness and flexibility to work well within a group
  • Vision and openness to possibilities
  • The ability to anticipate needs, opportunities and problems
  • The ability to engage, influence, stimulate and inspire
  • Vision to look beyond the traditional ocean sciences disciplines to incorporate related disciplines and related topics as part of content programing

The ability to conceive new meeting and session approaches and designs for strengthening the importance and value of the meeting

Aerial view of land, beach and water