Schedule & Events

Session Formats

#OVS23 will offer session formats that foster and inspire discussion across the meeting. When you submit, you must choose a session type for your work.


Each track will feature a plenary talk. These featured talks, selected based on track, will focus on existing and emerging problems at the interface of the ocean and climate crises. The plenaries will discuss the conditions necessary to facilitate trajectory-changing solutions.


These sessions will engage attendees in focused conversations about a track topic. Participants can talk through predetermined and on-the-spot questions and work to find collective answers or paths forward. The questions will probe the edges of sciences, policy, or solutions.


These sessions will feature moderated panel discussions. Audience-driven questions will comprise the majority of the session to encourage discussion with all session participants.


OVS23 will offer in-person poster sessions presenters. Poster sessions will not have a hybrid option.


  • Presenters will receive a board for their physical poster in the poster hall.
  • There is no online requirement for in-person presenters, but authors are encouraged to submit their posters electronically through the iPoster platform, so their presentation is available in the online poster library and so they can engage with online attendees.