Call for Abstracts
Let’s discover “What’s Next for Science”
AGU is committed to its AGU24 theme of What’s Next for Science specifically:
- Making Earth and space data and scientific advancement more accessible, interoperable, and impactful.
- Expanding scientific collaborations across disciplines and geographic barriers in the Earth and space sciences and beyond.
- How Earth and space scientists can be leaders in the preservation, sharing, and attribution of datasets and software ensuring proper credit and driving innovation.
Abstracts should focus on scientific results, enabling Earth and space science or its application, and/or the contribution of Earth and space science to society.
Call for Abstract Submissions
The deadline to submit to abstracts for AGU24 has passed.
Please note, the session and abstract viewer is currently unavailable. Authors may obtain abstract payment receipts or obtain letters of invitation via the User Portal.
Presenting and First Authors will be notified of the acceptance, format, and schedule of their abstracts, and the official scientific program will be available in early October.
If you have any additional questions, please contact AGU’S Scientific Program Team.
To submit an abstract, first authors, including invited authors, must be a current 2024 AGU member or a member of an affiliated society/organization.
2. Review Important Information
Read the following important policy and procedure documents.
First and Invited Author Policies
3. Familiarize Yourself with the Session Types
The conveners and program committee will decide which session type your abstract may be assigned to. Familiarize yourself with the various types.
4. Decide How You Will Attend #AGU24
- When you submit your abstract, you will need to indicate whether you will attend in-person in Washington D.C. or participate online-only.
- Abstracts will be scheduled by the conveners based on this selection.
- Authors will need to confirm location participation by 15 November.
NEW Presentation Policies for AGU24
5. Develop your Abstract Submission
Refer to the Submission Resources, Support and FAQ sections for help.
6. Review AGU’s Authorship Policy and Plagiarism Information
AGU strives to maintain the highest ethical standards for our publications and to be transparent with our policies and procedures.
Learn about AGU Authorship and AI tools
7. Pay Abstract Submission Fee
The abstract fee is a processing fee and is non-refundable.
Learn More About Submission Fees
8. Submit Abstract
Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent in early October. If you have any questions about your abstract submission, please contact AGU.
9. Edit or Transfer Abstract
Submitted abstracts may be edited as needed or transferred to another session until submissions close on the extended deadline of Monday, 5 August (23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT). Do not need to withdraw a paid abstract submission to make edits.
Learn More About Refund policies for Edits, Transfers, and Withdrawals
10. Publicize
Reach out to AGU’s public information office if you think your abstract is newsworthy.
Contact AGU Public Information Office
11. Register
The presenting author must register for and attend AGU24, either online or in person.
Please familiarize yourself with the following submission policies before submitting your abstract:
- Meetings Code of Conduct
- AGU Ethics Policy
- AGU Meeting Standards
- First and Invited Author Policies
- Membership
The abstract submission fee is:
- a required and non-refundable processing fee.
- separate from membership dues and meeting registration fees.
- not based on approval of your abstract submission or attendance at the meeting.
- payable by credit card only; wire payments or purchase orders cannot be accommodated.
2024 Abstract Submission Fees
Regular Fee - $70 USD
Student Fee - $40 USD
Low Income/Lower-Middle Income* - No Fee. If you reside in one of these countries, the abstract fee will be waived during submission.
*Please see 2024 fiscal year World Bank country classifications by income level table for more information.
Edits, Transfers, and Withdrawals
- Refunds will not be issued for abstracts that are withdrawn and resubmitted.
- Payment will be required for any resubmissions.
- Do not withdraw a paid abstract submission to make edits or submit a new abstract. You may edit the submitted abstract at any time until the submission deadline.
- For assistance with editing or transferring an abstract, contact AGU’s Scientific Program Team.
After submitting an abstract, authors can automatically generate a letter of invitation via the control panel within your abstract submission or through the abstract submission system.
If you require a letter of invitation before submitting an abstract or you will not be submitting an abstract, you must request one here.
AGU Authorship Policy and AI tools
Artificial intelligence systems cannot be considered authors, but their use in writing or other aspects of the work should be transparent and described within the methods.
Plagiarism Detection
Review AGU’s Ethics Policy and utilize plagiarism detection software from iThenticate upon submission to identify any duplication.
Citing an Abstract
- Authors (or their institutions or funders) retain copyright of their abstract.
- Authors can acknowledge scientific teams or collaborators, data, and software within abstract text or using “Add Team” within author list.
- Authors may submit abstracts for work that has been published in journals or presented at other scientific meetings. The work should be current and provide new data and results since any previous presentations.
- If you wish to cite an abstract presented at AGU24, please cite as: Author(s) (2024), Title, Abstract (Final paper number, ex: AE14B-1234) presented at AGU24, 9-13 Dec.
*Please note that AGU does not automatically publish your abstract in Google Scholar or any archive or assign a DOI. This may be done through ESS Open Archive and will assist in indexing. If you have any questions regarding the publishing of your abstract in Google Scholar, please see this article on why abstracts may not appear in Google Scholar and how to manually add them. We recommend that you create a personal profile in Google Scholar and manually add your abstract if you wish for it to be indexed there.
How to Write an AGU Abstract
Review resources on how to write an abstract for an AGU meeting.
Abstracts that Pop: Submitting an AGU24 Abstract That Will Get Noticed Workshop (Recording no longer available)
Tips for Writing a Plain Language Summary
Student Travel Grants
Discover available student and early career travel grants to help you attend AGU24.
Funding Opportunities
Berkner Fellowships provide funding for early career scientists and students from countries designated by the World Bank as "low" or "lower-middle" income to present research at AGU-sponsored meetings.
Community Leaders
We are pleased to announce that AGU will offer 100 no-cost abstract fee and registrations to community leaders who would like to participate in AGU24 in Washington, D.C or online. Community leaders are trusted representatives of a community (e.g. communities of place, interest, advocacy, faith), including elected and unelected leaders. A community leader should be understood as someone who is an active member of a community, and not someone who only studies a community.
Please note, AGU membership is required for abstract submission. Authors who are not current AGU members, but are members of an affiliated society/organization or who are a non-geoscientist must have requested a membership waiver by 17 July.
Two key dates to be able to apply and receive AGU no-cost abstract fee waiver and registration:
a) to receive abstract code to waive your AGU24 abstract fee apply by July 17, 2024
b) the final deadline for no-cost conference registration only application is July 31, 2024
Members of Indigenous Communities
We are pleased to announce that AGU will continue to offer no-cost abstract fees and registrations to 100 individuals, who self-identify as Indigenous anywhere in the world. No-cost registration” means that the conference registration fee is waived for eligible registrants.
Please note, AGU membership is required for abstract submission. Authors who are not current AGU members, but are members of an affiliated society/organization or who are a non-geoscientist must have requested a membership waiver by 17 July.
Two key dates to be able to apply and receive AGU no-cost abstract fee waiver and registration:
a) to receive abstract code to waive your AGU24 abstract fee apply by July 17, 2024
b) the final deadline for no-cost conference registration only application is July 31, 2024
Outstanding Student Presentation Awards (OSPA)
New for AGU24: Students who wish to participate in OSPA must sign up for the program when submitting their AGU24 abstract.
Outstanding Student Presentation Awards (OSPA) Program
AGU’s Bright STaRS
Find information for middle and high school students to participate in the Bright Students Training as Research Scientists (Bright STaRS) program.
Abstract Search
Search by keyword for AGU Meeting abstracts from 1995-2021.
View #AGU23 Scientific Program (Abstracts and Sessions)
Publicity for Meeting Abstracts
If you think your session or abstract is newsworthy, you can tell AGU's public information office about it for potential publicity.
Contact AGU Public Information Office
For questions about the submission site or technical issues, complete the request form on the submission site, or call +1 401.334.0220, Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., ET or send an email.
Scientific Program
Email AGU’s Scientific Program Team if you have a question on AGU's scientific program policies or general procedures.
Contact AGU's Scientific Program Team
AGU Membership
If you have a question on your membership status or need assistance with your AGU membership account, contact the AGU Membership Services Team or call 800.966.2481 (toll-free in North America) or +1 202.462.6900.
Contact AGU Membership Services
Convener Guidelines
The deadline for session proposal and abstract submissions for AGU24 has passed.
Please note, the session and abstract viewer is currently unavailable. Conveners may view abstracts via the User Portal and conveners will receive an email in late August to begin the review of abstracts and scheduling of their sessions into allocated sessions. Please review the Session Allocation, Abstract Review, and Abstract Scheduling Allocation information below under next steps for conveners.
Authors and session chairs will be notified of the acceptance, format, and schedule of their abstracts, and the official scientific program will be available in early October.
Please refer to information shared during the call for proposals on the following webpages for:
Please see below for more information on what to expect after proposal submission and session scheduling. If you have any additional questions, please contact AGU’S Scientific Program Team.
The Program Committee reviews session proposals through mid-June. During this process, the Program Committee reserves the right to:
- Reject or merge multiple proposals submitted by the same convener(s) on related topics or across sections.
- Move sessions and/or abstracts to another AGU section.
- Request that conveners revise the session title and/or description.
In May, the program committee notified conveners of sessions that needed to be merged or have their session descriptions revised.
In mid-June, AGU will notify conveners if their sessions have been accepted and accepted sessions are open for abstract submission.
Once the abstract submission window closes on the extended deadline of Monday, 5 August 14:00 EDT, the AGU24 Program Committee begins the scheduling and allocation process. If you have any questions regarding your allocated sessions, please contact the designated section program committee representative.
Conveners (the primary liaison) must be available in both May and August to respond to any inquiries from the program committee to aid in mergers and scheduling.
Conveners will be informed of their session’s scheduled date and time when the online meeting program is released in early October.
2. Abstract Submission and Monitoring
If your session was accepted, it will be available to receive abstract submissions through Monday, 5 August. All abstracts must be submitted through the abstract submission site.
Conveners are responsible for ensuring that the abstracts submitted to their session are topically appropriate and should work with the program committee to transfer abstracts to a better suited session or is not appropriate for the meeting. Abstracts cannot be transferred after the program is finalized, so please monitor submissions regularly during this time and contact your program committee representative or AGU staff to request an abstract transfer.
All conveners can monitor full abstract details through their session's listing on the abstract submission site. Note: full abstract text is not viewable by the public during this period.
Conveners who are AGU members can log in to the Abstract Management Portal using their AGU username and password to view full abstract details through the extended deadline of 5 August. After logging in:
- Click on your session name.
- Click on the “View Submissions” page.
- Abstract titles and author names are shown above the list of conveners.
Abstract Monitoring
- Check for any abstracts that are not topically relevant to your session or that you think were submitted in error. This may happen due to author oversight or a misunderstanding of the session’s intent. If you see any:
- Email the appropriate program committee representative by 5 August so the abstract can be moved to an appropriate session.
- Check that your invited authors have accepted the invitation to submit and have submitted their abstract to your session.
- If an invited author has not responded to your invitation, please follow up to ensure they have received the invitation and intend to submit an abstract.
- If the author has declined the invitation, you can invite another author in their place up until 5 August. Late abstract submissions will not be accepted.
- If your session has not received many abstracts:
- You may not request that an author move their abstract from another session to your session.
- Review the program for other sessions with which your session can be merged based on similar abstract submissions.
- Notify your program committee representative if you have any suggestions on potential merges. If the committee proceeds with the suggested merger, this will be completed after the abstract submission deadline.
Please note: sessions with no submitted abstracts by the deadline will be withdrawn. Sessions with few abstracts may be merged after the abstract deadline.
3. Invited Author Policy
If your proposal is accepted, conveners may invite up to two authors to submit abstracts to your session once abstract submissions open in June. Union sessions do not have an invited author limit, however a maximum of eight authors is recommended.
Session conveners may not be the first author or presenting author on an invited abstract in the session they are convening, but:
- Conveners can submit contributed abstracts to be presented as a poster in their own session.
- Conveners may be invited authors in other sessions.
- EXCEPTION: For AGU24 students and early career conveners are exempt from this rule and may be scheduled as oral presentations in their own sessions. The program committee has determined that this exception will be removed for AGU25.
Please note, over 65% of abstracts will be scheduled in poster sessions and not all accepted sessions will receive an oral allocation from the program committee. Conveners should not promise an oral presentation to invited authors.
AGU’s main objectives for allowing invited authors include:
- Raising the profile of a session.
- Enticing authors who would not otherwise submit an abstract to a session.
- Enhancing diversity or interdisciplinary perspectives
- Featuring early-career scientists.
Invited authors must pay all fees associated with attending the meeting, including membership fees, abstract submission fees and online or in-person meeting registration.
To find and invite authors with varied knowledge and experiences, we recommend utilizing your community networks and the resources below. These lists are merely starting points since they are not comprehensive resources and only include scientists who agree to have their names included.
- Diverse Sources
- 500 Women Scientists
- 500 Queer Scientists
- Women's Media Center She Source
- PLZ Diversify Your Panel
- Geosciences of Color
- Databases of Diverse Speakers in STEM
- The Water Researchers of Color (WaterPOC)
4. How to Invite Authors
- Login to the USER PORTAL by Wednesday, 17 July.
- Click on "My Account”.
- Select the name of the session.
- Click the “Invited Author Management” button.
- You may invite a total of two authors with the invitation tool.
- Do not make any promises to your invited authors that they are guaranteed an oral presentation. The final decisions about presentation type and session format, including oral sessions, are made by the Program Committee. If a session is allocated an oral session in August, which is also not guaranteed, the convener will schedule the selected abstracts in that session and the length of presentations during the scheduling process.
Invited Author Guidelines and Policies
- Invite your authors early!
- Invited authors must submit their abstracts via the link included in the invitation email by the extended 5 August deadline.
- If the abstract is not submitted through the formal invitation, the abstract will not have an invited author status.
- Invited authors must pay all fees associated with attending the meeting, including membership fees, abstract submission fees and online or in-person meeting registration.
- Invited authors who are not current AGU members, but are members of an affiliated society/organization or who are a non-geoscientist must have requested a membership waiver by 17 July. Please contact the AGU Scientific Program Team with any questions.
- Please familiarize yourself with the detailed convener invited author policy.
- Union session conveners will receive specific instructions if they are approved for a Union session.
- While it is recommended that Union conveners invite a diverse group of authors, Union session conveners may present in their Union session, although they should not be listed as invited authors.
- There is a recommended maximum of eight invited authors for approved Union sessions.
Please note, conveners may also opt to accept contributed abstracts and convene a companion poster session. Please contact AGU's scientific program team to have the session opened for contributed abstracts if you have not done so.
5. Marketing Tips & Tools
AGU wants to provide presenters and conveners with the tools they need to promote their participation in the AGU24. To assist you with increasing awareness of your session for abstract submissions, your engagement at AGU24, boosting attendance at your session and broadening the outreach for the conference, we are providing you with step-by-step instructions to assist with these efforts.
- Social Media
Promote your session on social media platforms like X, Facebook and Tumblr. Take advantage of the AGU24 social media templates developed by the AGU design team.
Open social media templates - Post on a Professional Networking Site
Post an AGU24 graphic on your professional networking site, like LinkedIn. To add an image to your network post, click on the image to download, then right-click to save it to your computer. Be sure to hyperlink the graphic to
6. Session Allocation, Abstract Review, and Abstract Scheduling
Once the abstract submission window closes on the extended deadline of 5 August, the Program Committee begins the scheduling and allocation process. If you have any questions regarding your allocated sessions, please contact the designated section Program Committee representative.
Session Allocation
- Detailed information on session scheduling will be provided to conveners in mid-August.
- The designated program committee section determines the session type (i.e., poster, eLightning, or oral session OR any combination) and the total number of allocations granted to each submitted session.
- In mid-to-late August, at least one of the conveners (the primary liaison) must be available to respond to any program committee requests and to schedule the session.
- Following the 5 August abstract deadline, the conveners may suggest, and the program committee may decline an abstract for inclusion in the program.
- The committee may also merge similar sessions and transfer any misplaced abstracts into a different, more appropriate session than the one to which they were submitted.
- The final decisions about the placement of individual abstracts within sessions are made by the committee.
During the scheduling period in late August, conveners who are AGU members can log into the abstract management site to begin abstract reviews and session scheduling (arranging the order of their abstracts).
Abstract Review
Conveners must:
- Fully review and rate their abstracts as accepted or rejected based on their scientific results and/or their applications, or another focus.
- Recommend any abstract for rejection or report any concerns regarding a submitted abstract to the Program Committee.
- Review the overview of session formats.
- Schedule any abstract authors who requested a poster presentation in a poster session.
- Schedule abstract authors based on their selected presentation location preference of in-person or online. Any authors who selected that they will present online and are assigned to the poster format must be placed in an online poster format (specific instructions will be provided in August).
- Designate a minimum of two session chairs (who do not have to be existing conveners). The maximum number of chairs allowed per session is four.
- Identify one Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) liaison for each allocated session.
Session Scheduling
- The final decision on your allocated session type (i.e., oral, poster, or eLightning session OR a combination of the three formats) and schedule will be made by the program committee. Oral session allocations are not guaranteed.
- Conveners will be informed of their session type allocations in late August.
- Session Conveners will receive access to the online review and scheduling tools and detailed instructions in mid-August. Conveners should review the Session Convener Scheduling Instructions emailed to all session conveners on 20 August 2024.
- During the scheduling period, conveners who are AGU members can log into the abstract management site to:
- Begin thorough abstract reviews.
- Arrange the order and timing of their abstracts within allocated sessions.
- Assign session chairs (do not have to be existing session conveners to each allocated session).
- Designate a liaison for the Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) for your session. OSPA liaisons are responsible for recruiting volunteer reviewers and ensuring each OSPA presenter in your session has three evaluations. When designating your OSPA liaison, please confirm with your colleague that they can fulfill this role and please do not assign this role to a student.
- Once the Program Committee scheduling meeting begins in early September, conveners will no longer have access to their sessions online. During the scheduling meeting, the committee will schedule any sessions not already scheduled by the conveners as they see fit. The committee is responsible for assigning all dates and times for each allocated session.
7. Final Online Scientific Program
- Abstract notifications and notifications of your session’s official scheduled date and time will be sent in early October 2024.
- After notifications are distributed, authors are required to accept or decline their presentation. Please monitor your session to note withdrawals.
- If the presenting author declines, their abstract will be withdrawn from your session.
- Due to the size of the program, if you are chairing multiple sessions and have also submitted abstracts to the scientific program, the program committee CANNOT guarantee that you will be free of scheduling conflicts at the meeting.
- Ensure your co-conveners are available to step in to chair a session if needed.
8. Replacing an Oral Presentation
After the program is published in October, if an author withdraws from an oral session, the session convener can request that a presentation from the accompanying poster session, if applicable, be moved to replace the withdrawn oral presentation. This can be done only with accompanying sessions and with the poster presenter’s explicit consent.
To replace a withdrawn oral presentation, email AGU’S scientific program team with the details of the withdrawn abstract, details of the abstract proposed to replace that oral presentation and a message in which the author consents to being moved.
Note: New abstracts CANNOT be added to fill empty slots in any session.
- Invited authors must pay all fees associated with attending the meeting, including membership fees, abstract submission fees and online or in-person meeting registration.
- Invited authors who are not 2024 AGU members, but are members of an affiliated society/organization or who are a non-geoscientist must have requested a membership waiver by 17 July.
- Please familiarize yourself with the detailed convener invited author policy.
Please keep these items in mind.
- It is not possible to request an oral session. The program committee will assign final session formats and not all sessions will receive an oral component, but conveners may propose a poster-only session.
- Session proposals should concisely describe the session's scientific and topical relevance. Sessions can focus on scientific results, their applications, or the impact of Earth and space science on society. The program committee generally will not consider:
- Proposals that are celebratory or honorary in nature. Sessions cannot be in tribute to a specific person or contain the name of a scientist in the session title. Names can be used in the description when used in context with scientific results and focused on the person’s contribution to the field overall.
- Proposals that are primarily advertisements of commercial products and services, or that contain the name of a specific experiment in the title or description. Opportunities to exhibit or sponsor activities at AGU24 will be available soon.
- Primary conveners must be current 2024 AGU members.
- Primary conveners who are members of an affiliated society/organization and primary conveners who are non-geoscientists may request a membership waiver. The deadline to request a membership waiver was 17 July 2024.
- All first authors, including invited authors, who submit an abstract to a session are subject to the AGU membership fee and abstract submission fee. The presenter must also pay the meeting registration fee.
- Conveners may submit multiple proposals, but we ask that you ensure the topics differ and span across sections.
- The program committee may ask that similar session proposals merge to avoid duplication in the meeting’s scientific program. They may also ask conveners to revise a session proposal description. Following the proposal deadline, the program committee will reach out to conveners to make these requests if needed.
- AGU expects that at least one session chair will be onsite in Washington, D.C. to chair in-person sessions. Session chairs do not need to be listed as conveners.
- Review key session submission policies
- Review AGU's Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics Policy.
- Review current submitted proposals to ensure your proposed content will not significantly overlap with other sessions.
- Review the details for each proposal type.
- Proofread your proposal.
Page Content
Town Halls
Proposed by the AGU community (including AGU staff) and open to all meeting participants, these one-hour sessions are designed for:
- Collecting feedback or raising awareness about particular initiatives, programs or special projects.
- Delivering updates and gathering input about government agency initiatives, academic programs, special projects and other focused interest groups for the broader AGU community.
- Roundtable or panel discussion formats.
Proposals were due by 24 April (23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT). Town hall organizers were informed of acceptance in late June.
*Please note, town hall submissions have closed, requests for ancillary event space will open in September 2024.
- Proposals that are primarily advertisements of commercial products and services, or that contain the name of a specific experiment in the title or description. (For opportunities to exhibit or sponsor activities at AGU24, please see the Exhibit page.)
- Proposals that duplicate scientific session formats or are in place of ancillary event requests.
- Primary contacts/submitters must be current 2024 AGU members. Submitters who are members of an affiliated society/organization and submitters who are non-geoscientists must have requested a membership waiver bu 17 July.
- Submitters may submit more than one proposal, but we ask that you ensure the topics are different.
- AGU expects that at least one moderator will be on-site in Washington, D.C. to chair in-person sessions.
- The program committee may ask that similar proposals merge to avoid duplication in the meeting’s scientific program. They may also ask submitters to revise a proposal description. Following the proposal deadline, the program committee will reach out to primary contacts/submitters to make these requests if needed.
- Reject or merge multiple proposals submitted by the same submitter(s) or groups on related topics or across sections.
- Move proposal to another AGU program.
- Request that conveners revise the proposal title and/or description.
- The program committee will notify primary contacts/submitters if town hall proposals need to be merged or have their descriptions revised.
Page Content
Pre-Conference Workshops
Proposed by the AGU community, these workshops (formerly scientific workshops) are designed to give participants opportunities to develop relevant skills and knowledge and how they can apply those skills and knowledge in their own contexts. All pre-conference workshop proposals need to include a description, intended learning outcomes, and a plan for active participant engagement and learning.
These are separately ticketed events held outside the regular conference schedule. A limited number of workshops will be accepted.
Pre-conference workshops:
- May be proposed by anyone in the AGU community, including AGU staff.
- Provide an in-depth opportunity for participants to actively develop and practice applicable knowledge and skills.
- Align with one of the AGU Workshop Learning Focus Topics (see below).
- Are either full-day (up to 7 hours with breaks) sessions (Long) or half-day (up to 3.5 hours with breaks) sessions (Short).
- Will include clearly defined learning outcomes, target audience, and active learning opportunities.
- Facilitated by 1 or more people.
- Require a separate registration for all workshop attendees.
- Be scheduled in-person only in Washington, D.C. (no hybrid option) on the Sunday prior to the start of meeting.
Learning Focus Topics:
- Each workshop proposal should emphasize one of the following topics:
- Practical Skills for Science: Focuses on teaching practical skills (i.e. research, grant writing, finding funding, interdisciplinary research skills, etc.) that advance participants’ research and career capacities. Can be for either discipline specific audiences or broader audiences.
- Technical Skills for Science: Focuses on specific technical skills (software, coding, hardware, or other tools to advance science). Can be for either discipline specific audiences or broader audiences.
Pre-conference workshop proposals were due on 24 April (23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT). Organizers were informed of acceptance in late June.
*Please note, workshop submissions have closed, requests for ancillary event space will open in September 2024.
- Note: These workshops should teach specific skills and competencies and should not be used to sell a particular product. AGU expects that all facilitators will be on-site in Washington, D.C. for in-person sessions.
- Submitters must be current 2024 AGU members. Submitters who are members of an affiliated society/organization and primary submitters who are non-geoscientists must have requested a membership waiver bu 17 July.
- Submitters may submit multiple proposals, but we ask that you ensure the topics are different.
- There is no proposal fee for submitting a workshop.
- Please note that all pre-conference workshops are ticketed events. All workshop attendees must first register and pay to attend AGU24 and then register and pay for each individual workshop they would like to attend. Workshop attendee registration rates will be posted in the coming months.
- The program committee may ask that similar workshop proposals merge to avoid duplication in the meeting’s scientific program. They may also ask submitters to revise a proposal description. Following the proposal deadline, the program committee will contact submitters to make these requests if needed.
- Reject or merge multiple proposals submitted by the same convener(s) on related topics.
- Move proposals to another AGU program.
- Merge proposals on similar topics.
- Request that conveners revise the proposal title and/or description.
- The program committee will notify conveners if workshop proposals need to be merged or have their descriptions revised.
Page Content
Proposal Best Practices
AGU encourages proposals that incorporate:
- When we think about improving inclusive science practices, it includes not only race, geographic region, ethnicity and gender but also opinion, age and scientific discipline.
- Include a diverse group of conveners, session chairs and invited authors.
To find conveners and invited authors with varied knowledge and experiences, we recommend utilizing your community networks and the resources below. These lists are merely starting points since they are not comprehensive resources and only include scientists who agree to have their names included.
- Broaden participation across a range of scientific disciplines.
- Strengthen the next generation of scientists.
It’s the story of our journey; we create what’s next. What’s next for our community. What’s next for discoveries. What’s next for our planet. What’s Next for Science.
Relate your proposal to AGU24’s theme of What’s Next for Science specifically:
- Making Earth and space data and scientific advancement more accessible, interoperable, and impactful.
- Expanding scientific collaborations across disciplines and geographic barriers in the Earth and space sciences and beyond.
- How Earth and space scientists can be leaders in the preservation, sharing, and attribution of datasets and software ensuring proper credit and driving innovation.
Conveners are encouraged to submit proposals that are collaborative.
- Consider a session that could be cross-listed, co-organized and/or co-sponsored with another organization.
- Use our flowchart to decide if a collaborative session makes sense for your proposal.
Mar |
mid |
Session proposals open.
Apr |
24 |
Session proposals close at 23:59 p.m. ET/03:59 +1 GMT.
May |
mid |
Program committee conducts session reviews and merges.
Conveners should be available to discuss session merges. |
Jun |
mid |
Session proposal acceptance notification letters are sent.
Abstract submission site opens. Invited author tool opens. Town hall and workshop proposal acceptance letters sent. |
Aug |
5 |
Abstract submissions close at 14:00 p.m. EDT.
mid |
Program committee allocates and schedules sessions and finalizes session formats.
Meeting registration and housing opens for attendees. |
late |
Conveners review and schedule abstracts in allocated sessions.
Oct |
early |
Authors are notified of the acceptance, format and schedule of their abstracts.
Student volunteer applications open. |