Image of a cliff

2021 AGU-SEG Workshop

About the workshop

The aim of this workshop is to bring researchers and practitioners from academia and industry together to discuss the method of full waveform inversion as it pertains to near-surface imaging and different geophysical methods, mainly GPR and seismic. Over the course of four meetings on 21 September, 5 October, 19 October and 2 November, the theoretical, as well as numerical aspects, of the FWI problem will be presented and discussed. Discussion about the state-of-the-art in all aspects of FWI will be covered, and successful use cases will be showcased, as well as discussions about limitations and current obstacles to getting FWI to work in the near surface. This will be a virtual workshop. Lectures will be pre-recorded so that participants can learn on their own schedules; live discussions and poster sessions will also occur. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the current applications and limitations of FWI for near-surface imaging.

Scientific Program is Live!

The scientific program is now live.

View Program

Who Should Attend

We invite participants from across the geosciences, especially participants from geophysics, geotechnical engineering, applied mathematics, computational science, and related fields. 
Rssfwi Elita Li

Meeting Goals

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss full waveform inversion as it applies to near-surface imaging.
Male attendees in a discussion looking at computer

Schedule and Format

This workshop will take place over 2 months and consists of 4 virtual live meetings. Each of the 4 meetings will have a theme related to an aspect of FWI, and the final meeting will showcase state-of-the-art applications and case studies. A live virtual poster session will occur after the discussions during each of the 4 meetings. This format provides presenters the opportunity to deliver a pre-recorded oral presentation and engage in a live in-person discussion, or a live poster session.


Meeting Dates and Themes

21 September: Theory

5 October: Numerical Aspects

19 October: Field Examples

2 November: Future Directions


Meeting Format

  • Each meeting will last 2-3 hours and consist of real-time discussions and live posters.
  • Prior to the real-time discussion, participants will have the opportunity to watch pre-recorded presentations related to the meeting theme.
  • Speaker format will be decided based on the submissions to each theme.

Abstract submission policies

Abstracts must focus on scientific results or their application. The Program Committee may decline abstracts with other focuses. You are not required to be an AGU or SEG member to submit an abstract. There is no fee for submissions.


By submitting an abstract, you are obligated to give a presentation in the designated manner assigned by the Program Committee. Your submission also grants AGU permission to publish the abstract.

You cannot request oral presentations, although you may request a poster presentation.

Rocky coastline with clouds and a pink lighting

Abstract submission guidelines

Abstracts must meet the following guidelines to be considered for the Chapman Conference.
  • 1
    Your abstract title should be no more than 300 characters and the abstract text must be less than 2000 characters. The character limit includes punctuation, but not spacing.
  • 2
    In lieu of adding the names of individual team members, you may reference a research team in the ‘Title of Team’ field during the submission process.
  • 3
    You may add one table or image to your submission. If you would like to include multiple images, you must combine the images and save them as one file. We prefer image files be .jpg, however, .png, and .gif are also supported file types.
  • 4
    Submissions can be submitted and edited at any time up until the abstract submission deadline.
Hills with sunbeam and dark storm clouds in distance

Registration is Open!

Register now to be part of the workshop.


The registration fee includes access to the scientific program, pre-recorded content and live sessions and discussion.


  • Professionals: $250.00 USD
  • Students: $100.00 USD
  • Low-income and lower-middle income* country residents: $100.00 USD

*Low-income and lower-middle income countries as defined by the World Bank.

This workshop will take place over 2 months and consists of 4 virtual live meetings on 21 September, 5 October, 19 October, and 2 November. Each of the 4 meetings will have a theme related to an aspect of FWI, and the final meeting will showcase state-of-the-art applications and case studies. A live virtual poster session will occur after the discussions during each of the 4 meetings.

Meeting Dates and Themes

21 September: Theory

5 October: Numerical Aspects

19 October: Field Examples

2 November: Future Directions

Meeting Format

  • Each meeting will last 2-3 hours and consist of real-time discussions and live posters.
  • Prior to the real-time discussion, participants will have the opportunity to watch pre-recorded presentations related to the meeting theme.
  • Speaker format will be decided based on the submissions to each theme.

Rssfwi Elita Li

Workshop Conveners and Program Committee

 Institution  Location
Sajad Jazayeri  University of South Florida  United States
Dylan Mikesell  Boise State University
 United States
Ebru Bozdagt  Colorado School of Mines  United States
Anja Klotzsche  Institute of Bio-and Biogeosciences, Forschungszentrum Julich  Germany
Elita Li  National University of Singapore
Adam Mangel  Pacific Northwest National Laboratory  United States
Yudi Pan  Karlsruhe Institute of Technology  Germany