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First Author Policy

First (Presenting) Author Policy

First (Presenting) Author Policy: if a first (presenting) author would like to submit (present) more than one abstract, the author can submit in accordance with the following rule. Note that invited authors are not guaranteed oral presentations.

Two (2) contributed abstracts to ANY topic areas
One (1) invited abstract to ANY topic area
One (1) invited abstract to a panel session

The person submitting the abstract will automatically be listed as the first and presenting author.  The first author cannot be modified. A first author may elect to designate a co-author to present the abstract at the meeting.

First Author Requirements

  • 1
    First authors must pay all fees associated with attending the meeting, including abstract submission fees and online or in-person meeting registration.
  • 2
    The person submitting the abstract will automatically be the first author. You may not submit an abstract on behalf of another author. The first author cannot be modified for any reason.
  • 3
    The abstract submitter (aka first author) is responsible for ensuring that all coauthors have agreed to be listed on the abstract.
Woman presenting at AGU fall meeting