ED31B - Revamping Our Geo-Village: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategies That Contribute to Retention I
Lecture Instructional

Institutional barriers can suggest to women and underrepresented minorities that they do not belong. Persistent challenges and biases continue to limit professional development, retention, and advancement, and likely dissuade others from pursuing STEAM careers. Changing the social norms in our field is a relevant retention strategy, with retention being a potential gauge for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). Achieving true DEI in the Earth and Planetary Sciences requires intentional change and resilient change agents (a village). We welcome DEI strategies, projects, and best practices that create an accessible and inclusive culture, contributing to professional development and retention in your institution or workplace, specifically, but not limited to: Professional development initiatives for women and underrepresented minorities and/or early- and mid-career researchers; Mentoring and/or sponsoring programs; Efforts towards equal pay, hiring transparency, clear promotion/tenure review guidelines; Creating an inclusive culture valuing and amplifying different backgrounds, which is the core of diversity.

December 2019

From Wednesday, 11 December 2019 08:00 AM

To Wednesday, 11 December 2019 10:00 AM

Moscone South
215, L2