ED32A - Citizen Science: Increasing Diversity and Supporting Participant Action and Activism I
Lecture Instructional

Citizen science projects are a growing way to engage the public and connect citizen participants to professional scientists. Projects span scientific disciplines and include astronomy, biology, ecology, environmental justice, climate and weather, medicine, and physics, and chemistry. We invite presentations that highlight innovations in recruitment, retention, engagement, and co-creation of citizen science projects that help increase the diversity of participants, contributes to participant learning, and leads to participant action and/or activism. We encourage presentations of innovations that lead to change, evidence based presentations that demonstrate how programs have impacted different stakeholders, and perspectives from citizen scientists themselves related to these topics.

December 2019

From Wednesday, 11 December 2019 10:20 AM

To Wednesday, 11 December 2019 12:20 PM

Moscone South
215, L2