Apply to the AGU LANDInG Academy

The AGU LANDInG Academy is a two-year, cohort-based professional development program for current and aspiring DEI leaders in the Earth and space sciences. Academy Fellows will gain expertise in the fundamentals of DEI and lead a DEI project at their own institution with hands-on support from the AGU LANDInG community.   

Why Join the AGU LANDInG Academy?

  • Good DEI leadership begins with a strong foundation in knowledge and awareness. Fellows will engage deeply with evidence-based resources to build expertise in the fundamentals of DEI. The curriculum has been designed and will be delivered by national experts from across DEI, leadership development and STEM.
  • Effecting change takes a village. Fellows will attend regular meetings, including quarterly in-person summits and monthly virtual meetings, where they will build lasting relationships within a supportive community of peers and mentors who are passionate about DEI.
  • DEI leadership is more than practicing DEI in a leadership role. Fellows will go beyond traditional leadership practices to develop crucial DEI skills, including how to respond to DEI resistance, how to recognize and remove barriers to change and how to build engagement that supports impactful and sustainable change.
  • Dialogue is at the heart of DEI success. Fellows will learn how to amplify their impact by communicating the benefits of DEI with their peers, mentors, institutions and the general public.
  • Leading DEI change requires action. Fellows will utilize their new knowledge and skills to implement a personalized DEI project at their own institution, with support from the AGU LANDInG community.
A man at a podium presents information on a large screen to people seacted at tables.

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AGU LANDInG will begin the recruitment process for its next cohort in early 2024. Sign up to be alerted.
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