Attendee Guidelines and Policy
Quick Links
Registration Policies
Payments, Transfer and Refunds
- Early bird registration: Early registration must be accompanied by payment. Otherwise, it will not be processed, and the standard registration rates will be applied.
- Registration receipts: Payment receipts for registration from #AGU20 can be requested by emailing the AGU Registration Center.
- Registration receipts for #AGU21 are not available yet.
- Registration payment types: AGU accepts credit card, check and wire transfer payments. AGU does not process purchase orders for registration payments. To process group registration payments, contact the AGU Registration Center. The last day to submit payment via wire transfer or check is 1 December 2021.
- Cancellation/refund policy: Written notifications must be emailed to [email protected].
- Registration cancellation received by 8 November 2021 will receive complete refund.
- Cancellations received between 9 and 16 November will have a $50 USD processing fee deducted from their refund.
- No refunds will be issued for cancelled registrations or ticketed events after 16 November 2021.
- Registration transfers: In person and online registrations are non-transferable from one attendee to another. Each attendee will have a unique registration account.
- Registration type adjustment: Attendees will have the opportunity to adjust their registration type from in-person to online (or vice versa). You will be required to pay the difference in the registration cost or will receive a refund of the difference. Please contact the AGU Registration Center for assistance with adjusting your registration type. The deadline to make this adjustment is 7 December.
- Group Registrations: To process payment for multiple registrations, please contact the AGU Registration Center.

Attendee Security & Privacy
AGU is committed to protecting your privacy, and we honor your right to make choices about the information you share with us. AGU requests information from those who engage with us to complete business processes such as meeting registration, to improve the communication and sharing of science, to improve programs and websites, and to serve the interests of members, authors, meeting attendees, and others by providing them with relevant information.
We are committed to providing an explanation of what information is required and what is optional, as well as how that information is being used. Learn more about the types of information collected and their purpose.
AGU does not sell meeting attendee or member contact information
It has been brought to our attention that some individuals and organizations have been contacted with offers of lists for purchase. These offers are not affiliated with AGU in any way and are unauthorized. We thank our exhibitors for reporting this issue to us. If you receive or know of an email containing such an offer, we ask that you please alert us by email.
AGU Privacy policy
AGU is committed to protecting the privacy of its members and we honor their right to make choices about what information they share. Read AGU's Privacy Policy.
Code of Conduct
AGU is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all meeting participants and AGU staff. All participants are expected to abide by the AGU Meetings Code of Conduct.
Attendee Types
Attendees from developing countries: Individuals who currently reside in developing countries are eligible to attend at a discounted rate. These countries are defined by the World Bank as low income or lower-middle income economies.
U.S. federal government employees: If you have not yet received government approval to attend #AGU21, early bird registration rates will be extended throughout the meeting to U.S. federal government employees only.
Affiliated societies and organizations: If you are not a current member of AGU, but you are a member of one of the affiliated societies, you will be able to register at the member rate.
Caregivers: AGU welcomes those who assist others in need during the Fall Meeting. Caregiver are individuals who are at the meeting to assist with childcare or those with ADA needs. Individuals may register for free at any registration counter on-site; valid identification is required. As a reminder, only fully vaccinated people may attend #AGU21 in-person in New Orleans. If you are not fully vaccinated (two weeks after the last required shot), please plan to attend online.
Join/renew AGU membership: Join AGU as a 2021 member for the discounted membership rate until 3 November, which is the same deadline as the early bird rate.
- Join AGU or renew your membership: online or email. You may also call us Monday- Friday from 8:30 am - 6pm ET at +1.202.462.6900.
Guest policy: Registered attendees may purchase guest passes at $160 USD each. Registered guests may not attend the oral or poster scientific sessions; however, they may visit the Exhibit Hall, and attend the Ice Breaker, Honors Ceremony, and all keynote lectures. Guests may also purchase tickets to social events at the advertised rates.
- A guest is a spouse, friend, or adult child (18 years and older) who is not working in an Earth and space science-related occupation or field.
- A colleague or associate working in a related scientific field or studying Earth and space science in school may not be registered and attend as a guest.