History and Facts
Fall Meeting 2019 Demographics 
View meeting statistics and demographic information for the annual Fall Meeting.
1 Registration Numbers
Total: 27,942
Exhibitors: 1,508
Guests: 816
Press: 436
2 Student Demographics
K-12 Students: 204
Undergraduate Students: 1,054
Graduate Students: 7,333
3 Top 5 Countries in Attendance
United States: 18,602
China: 1,963
Japan: 998
Canada: 842
United Kingdom: 762 -
4 U.S. vs. International Attendance
United States: 18,602
International: 9,308

Scientific Program

1 Scheduled Sessions
Keynotes: 5
Oral Sessions: 1,063
Poster Sessions: 974
eLightning Sessions: 81
Town Halls: 103
Tutorial Talks: 10 -
2 Abstracts Submitted: 27,047
Oral Presentations: 8,290
Poster Presentations: 17,339
eLightning Presentations: 1,034