Sessions, Innovations, Town Halls, and Workshops
Oral and eLightning Sessions
7-11 December:
04:00 – 11:30 PST (UTC−8)
16:00 – 21:30 PST (UTC−8)
14-16 December:
04:00 – 12:30 PST (UTC−8)
16:00 – 21:30 PST (UTC−8)
17 December:
04:00 – 08:00 PST (UTC−8)
Poster Sessions
(7-11 December and 14-16 December)
04:00 – 20:59 PST (UTC−8) (entire day)
Sessions, Innovations, Town Halls, and Workshops
Check out the Online Anywhere 2020 Scientific Program to see all accepted sessions and abstracts. Use the navigation options to view sessions organized by a particular section, format type, suggested itineraries and more. You can also use the online program to find sessions or presentations to add to your meeting itinerary.
The AGU Fall Meeting this year includes a mix of sessions optimized for a global virtual meeting. For most sessions, longer pre-recorded presentations and virtual posters will be available for attendees when the meeting starts on 1 December. The live sessions will focus on short overview presentations and moderated discussions. These discussions will also be recorded and available during the dates of the meeting. This structure maximizes engagement and the ability for broad participation across time zones.
For this type of virtual meeting, session chairs have a particularly important role. You need to help ensure that presenters in your session have uploaded their pre-recorded presentations, manage and show the summary presentations during the live session, and moderate the discussions and questions. Your participation is critical for an exciting and engaging session. For poster sessions, chairs also have the option of organizing a virtual “poster walk” (details below).
Further guidelines for each session type are given in each tab below. Resources and trainings are also available to session chairs to ensure a successful presentation at the Fall Meeting.
Meeting Platform: Some of the sessions and other events at the AGU Fall Meeting will make use of zoom and zoom webinar. In joining these, all attendees will be offered the option of using a web browser rather than the zoom app. Most major participant functions are supported in the browser, including sharing screens, chat, and breakout rooms. For a full list of functions and information on supported browsers, see here
Presenting authors and chairs can access the Participant’s Corner using their abstract submission credentials to manage their scientific program participation.
Please contact the AGU Scientific Program Team.
#AGU20 is scheduled from 1-17 December to accommodate over a thousand hours of virtual content to minimize conflicts while maximizing global engagement. Most content will be pre-recorded or available as digital posters for attendees to view and peruse outside of scheduled sessions during the meeting. The broad descriptions of each session type that will be presented during the meeting are provided below.
Additional guidance will be provided to session chairs and presenters over the next few weeks to help you plan, organize and optimize the discussion and engagement in the virtual sessions. In general, we will be asking all participants to have their presentations—either a virtual poster or a pre-recorded oral presentation—uploaded by 23 November. This will allow attendees to begin viewing presentations in advance of a session, or even afterwards—the virtual meeting format means that an attendee will no longer be frustrated when they hear they missed a great talk on Monday.
What is an Oral Session?
Oral sessions will be scheduled daily from 7-11 and 14-17 December
- An oral session is a one-hour live session featuring brief overview talks from presenters, followed by time for audience Q&A and discussion. The live Q&A sessions will be recorded and available for on-demand viewing.
- Presenters will also prepare a 15-minute (maximum) pre-recorded presentation and upload to AGU by 20 November to be available for viewing prior to the start of the meeting (1 December).
- Presenters will receive detailed instructions on the presentation platform and extensive resources prior to creating and uploading presentations. This will include information on expanding accessibility (captioning, alternate languages, etc.)
- Pre-recorded presentations will be available to watch on-demand by the registered meeting attendees prior to the live Q&A session.
- The pre-recorded presentations WILL NOT be shown during the live session.
- Each presenter may also prepare one or two highlight/overview slides. These will be uploaded and provided to the session chairs at least two days before the live session is scheduled.
- The presenters and session chairs will participate in the scheduled live one-hour oral session during the scheduled date and time. Each presenter will give a brief overview of their abstract using the few slides provided to the session chair; the chairs will then moderate a Q&A session with the presenters and registered meeting attendees.
What is a Panel Session?
Panel sessions will be scheduled daily from 7-11 and 14-17 December
- Similar to the one-hour live Q&A oral sessions. The live Q&A sessions will be recorded and available for on-demand viewing.
- Each panelist may prepare a 15-minute (maximum) pre-recorded presentation and upload by 20 November to be available for viewing prior to the start of the meeting.
- Presenters will receive detailed instructions on the presentation platform and extensive resources prior to creating and uploading presentations. This will include information on expanding accessibility (captioning, alternate languages, etc.)
- Pre-recorded presentations will be available to watch on-demand by the registered meeting attendees prior to the live Q&A session.
- Panelists are also encouraged to create one to two highlight/overview slides for display during the live panel session.
What is an eLightning session?
eLightning sessions will be scheduled daily from 7-11 and 14-17 December
- An eLightning session is a one-hour live session featuring three-minute oral talks providing an overview of presenters’ digital posters, followed by discussion. Presenters will also schedule time for text chats with attendees. The live Q&A sessions will be recorded and available for on-demand viewing.
- Authors in an eLightning session will create an iPoster presentation in the dedicated software by 20 November to be available for viewing prior to the start of the meeting. This multimedia format allows for video upload and/or audio narration.
- Each presenter will give a three-minute brief overview of their poster; if time permits, the chairs will then moderate a short Q&A period with the presenters and registered meeting attendees.
- Presenters are requested to be available for one hour after the live session for text chat with attendees. They will also have the option to schedule additional text chat times during the meeting at their discretion.
What is a Poster Session?
Poster sessions will be scheduled daily from 7-11 and 14-17 December
- A poster session is scheduled over the course of one day and presenters will designate the time they will be available for text chats to discuss their digital poster.
- Authors will create an iPoster presentation in the dedicated software by 20 November to be available prior to the start of the Fall Meeting. This multimedia format allows for video upload and/or audio narration.
- Presenters will be required to schedule a text chat on the day of the poster session and will also have the option of scheduling additional text chat times during the meeting at their discretion.
- We are also exploring a number of ways to allow a group discussion and engagement, similar to but more flexible than that of eLightning sessions, as many sessions have a large number of posters. These options will be scheduled separately from the chat-session time. More details will be provided soon.
1 7-11 December:
04:00 – 11:30 PST (UTC−8)
16:00 – 21:30 PST (UTC−8)
2 14-16 December
04:00 – 12:30 PST (UTC−8)
16:00 – 21:30 PST (UTC−8)
3 17 December
04:00 – 09:30 PST (UTC−8)

Each live oral session will be one hour in length, featuring brief overview presentations from each presenter and time for audience Q&A and discussion. The live Q&A sessions will be recorded and available for on-demand viewing.
Most live oral sessions will be using Zoom Webinar or the main meeting platform, called Intrado. Either platform allows the chairs and speakers to be in a panel view. Attendees will be in a separate virtual space, where they can use the chat feature to ask questions. Technical support will be available for each session. Many sessions will also include a student volunteer and/or an AGU staff representative to assist and help moderate questions.

1 7-11 December:
07:00 – 14:30 ET (UTC−5)
19:00 – 00:30 ET (UTC−5)
2 14-16 December
04:00 – 12:30 PT (UTC−8)
16:00 – 21:30 ET (UTC−8)
3 17 December
04:00 – 09:30 PT (UTC−8)
Each live eLightning session will be one hour in length, starting with a three-minute lightning presentation from each presenter providing an overview of their digital, interactive poster. This will be followed by group discussion as time permits. The live Q&A sessions will be recorded and available for on-demand viewing.
Presenters are also requested to be available for one hour after the live session for direct text chat with attendees. Presenters will also have the option to schedule additional text chat times during the meeting at their discretion.
Before the Meeting
During the Meeting
(7-11 December and 14-16 December)
04:00 – 20:59 PST (UTC -8) (entire day)
Poster presenters will be available for at least one hour during the day of their scheduled poster sessions.
AGU would like to assure that all meeting participants feel safe, welcomed and included and that our meetings promote and help reflect diversity, inclusion and excellence in science.
Prior to your session:
1Check the online program for any changes or updates to your session. Session chairs may access the contact information for presenting authors in your session via the User Portal.
2Refer to the Meetings Code of Conduct and the Best Practices for Inclusive Remote Meetings guidance on potential issues you may face as a convener or session chair.
3Make sure authors have selected at least a one hour timeframe to be available for text or video chats on the day of the session. We ask that presenters make themselves available for at least one hour at any time during the live meeting hours of the session (04:00 – 20:59 PST/UTC -8).
Session chairs can attend these live chats to engage with the authors. -
4No late papers may be added to the session.
5An online chair evaluation will be sent to you a few days prior to the meeting. Please be sure to complete it as soon as your session is complete.

Poster Summary Sessions
Deadline to schedule is 4 December, 2020.
Session chairs also had the option of scheduling a virtual summary discussion or “poster walks” for additional interaction and exposure for the poster presenters. This is similar to, but is more flexible, than an eLightning session. These sessions will be limited throughout the meeting and will be organized by session chairs only. Please consider the availability of your poster presenters when scheduling.
Due to limited capacity, this option is no longer available.
If you chose to conduct a poster summary session, please coordinate with the presenters in your session so they are aware of the time.
Please refer to the Session Chair Checklist for guidance on how to facilitate a live session and follow the tips below:
DAY OF YOUR SUMMARY SESSION (if you have scheduled one)
- Chairs and Presenters go to the online program 20 minutes prior to the start of your session.
*only registered attendees can join the meeting. - Click on the “Join Now” button (not enabled until 20 minutes before the live session). This link is for presenters and chairs
- If you have received a direct link from Zoom, you may use that link as well, but it is not required.
- When entering rename yourself so that support staff can easily identify you in the alphabetical list; ex. aaa-John Smith. You can rename yourself once in the session.
- Browser recommendations: Update your browser and, if you can use it, the Zoom desktop application, to the latest versions. You will need a supported browser to access the meeting. If you can’t use the Zoom desktop, all attendees can join those sessions using a browser. Supported browsers for attendees include Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. If you are chairing in a plenary, named lecture or union session, only Edge, Chrome or Firefox work.
- Check for Zoom software update.
- Connectivity is best using: a hard-wired desktop, turned-off notifications, and minimal open tabs.
- Session chairs have the liberty to conduct their sessions how they choose.
- chairs may introduce or highlight various poster presenters and,
- presenters can also share their virtual posters via the iPosters platform.
9. As the session is only one hour, it is recommended to keep the presenters limited to less than 4 minutes to highlight their virtual posters, especially for larger sessions.
10. No powerpoint/pre-recorded presentations are needed.
Innovative Session Guidelines
Innovations will integrate virtual participation, “meeting-within-a-meeting", and presentations in a dynamic way and creatively demonstrate the value and potential of remote participation and engagement. Innovations will include half-day and shorter presentations designed around a unifying theme. An example would be similar to the daily Centennial Neighborhood programming at the 2019 meeting.
The full innovative session schedule can be found here.
Additional resources and logistical guidelines, including specific instructions on conducting the session have been provided directly to the innovative session organizers. If you have any questions regarding the innovations, please contact the Scientific Program Team.
Town Hall Guidelines
Town Halls offer an opportunity for government agencies, academic programs, special projects, and other focused interest groups to gather input from the AGU community. They are open to all registered meeting participants. The town hall schedule is available here.
Town halls are designed for engaging discussions following best practices for virtual meetings. They will be conducted live, will be one hour in length and will be hosted on Zoom. Live sessions will be recorded and then posted to your session in the online program where it will be available for on-demand viewing throughout the duration of the meeting. This is so attendees can view the presentations and discussions on their own schedules.
Town hall organizers will moderate the live sessions and facilitate discussion with the presenters/panelists and attendees via text chat.
Please note the following guidelines:
- You may develop the presentation format for your town hall program as you see fit, but within the parameters of your approved proposal.
- The primary contact will be billed a $100 USD labor charge to have an audio-visual technician present online to support the town hall. Payment will be an added step to your town hall proposal via the User Portal.
- All town hall attendees and presenters must be registered for the Fall Meeting. If you are not already registered, please register. Individuals will not be perm
Optional: If town hall presenters or panelists in your session have any presentations, organizers should reach out to them directly in advance of the meeting to collect their slides so you can create one presentation deck that you or the other conveners of the session will present during the live town hall. Instructions for uploading content has been provided to the primary contact listed on the town hall.
In addition, if you have any content or reference materials that you would like to make available to attendees prior to the day of the town halls, you may add the links to this material to your existing town hall description that will display in the online program. Please access the User Portal to make any changes to your town hall including presenter updates.
If you have any questions regarding the scientific program, please contact the Scientific Program Team.
Scientific Workshops Guidelines
Scientific workshops will be scheduled from 1-4 December and 14-17 December. They will provide a great way to share your knowledge, skills or other resources in a workshop setting, free from the format constraints of traditional scientific sessions.
The full workshop schedule is posted here and registration is required.
Additional resources and logistical guidelines, including specific instructions on conducting the workshop have been provided directly to the workshop organizers. If you have any questions regarding the workshops, please contact the Scientific Program Team.
1 DecTuesday
2 DecWednesday
3 DecThursday
4 DecFriday
14 DecMonday
15 DecTuesday
16 DecWednesday
17 DecThursday