Additional Resources
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Help with the Abstract Submission Process
Technical support - For questions about the submission site or technical issues, complete the request form on the submission site, or call +1 401.334.9903 (support code 1438), Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., ET or send an email.
Scientific Program - Email us if you have a question on AGU's scientific program policies or general procedures, contact AGU's Scientific Program Team.
AGU Membership - If you have a question on your membership status or need assistance with your AGU membership account, contact the AGU Membership Services Team or call 800.966.2481 (toll-free in North America) or +1 202.462.6900.
Additional Resources for Abstract Submissions
How to write an AGU abstract - Review the Eos article for pointers on how to write an abstract for an AGU meeting.
Register for Fall Meeting - Find information on AGU Fall Meeting registration including rates and policies for attendees.
Outstanding Student Presentation Award (OSPA) Program - Learn how to participate in OSPA as a student or a s a judge.
Travel grants - Discover available student and early career travel grants to help you attend Fall Meeting.
Berkner Travel Fellowship - Berkner Fellowships provide funding for early career scientists and students from countries designated by the World Bank as "low" or "lower-middle" income to present research at AGU-sponsored meetings.
AGU Ethics Policy (PDF) - Download a PDF copy of the AGU Scientific Integrity and Professional Ethics Policy.
iThenticate - Utilize plagiarism detection software from iThenticate upon submission to identify any duplication.
Publicity for meeting abstracts - If you think your abstract is newsworthy, you can tell AGU's public information office about it for potential publicity.
Fall Meeting Program Committee - View the Fall Meeting Program Committee members by section.
Citing an Abstract: If you wish to cite an abstract presented at Fall Meeting, please cite as: Author(s) (2021), Title, Abstract (Final paper number, ex: AE14B-1234) presented at 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, 13-17 Dec.