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The Solution Space:
Finding Sustainable Pathways for the Amazon

Plenary Panel

Speakers and TopicTuesday, 2 December (8:00 – 9:00 PT)
Unsustainable anthropogenic activities in recent decades have altered the natural functioning of the Amazon ecosystems, affecting the ability of Amazon to provide important ecosystem services to humans. The continuous losses of biodiversity, the impairment of the carbon sequestration capacity, and a catastrophic tipping point of savannization most of the tropical rainforest can impact human well-being across the world.

In this session, researchers and a representative of traditional communities will discuss the urgency of actions for the Amazon, seeking sustainable solutions based on the dialogue between science and traditional knowledge aimed at building a new vision of sustainable development for the region.

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Brazilian savannah
Brazilian savannah

Panelists & Moderator

  • André Baniwa – Representative of Baniwa Indigenous People
  • Mariana Varese – Researcher at Wild Conservation Society
  • Susanna Hecht – University of California, Los Angeles
  • Joice Ferreira – Embrapa-Amazon/Brazil's Agriculture Research Agency


  • Carlos Nobre, AGU International Secretary, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of São Paulo