Hazel Bain
Space Physics and Aeronomy
Secretary Solar and Heliospheric Physics
Research Scientist III, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder and NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, Boulder, CO, USA
AGU embraces the global community and welcomes diverse leaders from around the world, representing various identities, voices, and perspectives. List any identities, voices, and perspectives you would bring, including but not limited to nationality, regional representations, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and any other identity you feel comfortable sharing.
I identify as a white, able-bodied woman in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), a member of the LGBT community, and as a Scottish national immigrant living and working in the U.S.
Volunteer experience that relates to this position:
American Meteorological Society Space Weather Program Committee (2021-present); Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) -International Space Weather Action Teams: Solar Energetic Particle Model Validation team co-lead (2019 - present); National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan sub-team lead (2020 - 2023); Co-author “Inclusive Scientific Meetings: Where to Start” Pendergrass et al., 2019; Convener of AGU Union session on Implicit Bias in Earth and Space Sciences (2018); Student poster judge at AGU, Solar Heliospheric and Interplanetary Environment (SHINE), and American Astronomical Society (AAS) Solar Physics Division meetings
As one of the elected leaders of your section, how will you partner with your president and president-elect to communicate with and engage your members to help implement AGU’s strategic plan including its mission and vision?
While AGU has been, and remains, committed to furthering Earth and space science research, the 2020 strategic plan also embraces a commitment to solution-based science to address complex societal challenges. The mission and vision statements look to a future where scientific discovery enhances our understanding of the natural environment and, in turn, can be used for the benefit of society. In my current role at the Cooperative Institute for Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder and at NOAA Space Weather prediction center, I work at the intersection of many disciplines within the Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Solar and Heliophysics (SH) section. Connecting research scientists to the critical needs of society is central to my job and something I’m passionate about.
If given to the opportunity to serve as the SH secretary, I would partner with the SPA president and president-elect to leverage my experience, foster the scientific endeavors of our members, and promote their successes to policy makers and impact-based stakeholders. In planning the Fall Meeting SH program, I would balance scientifically focused and cross-disciplinary sessions. I would strive to continue the work of the previous secretary, by following equitable and inclusive best practices, giving fair opportunities for members to communicate their science. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic and find a new working normal, I would work with the SPA community to identify lessons learned from our virtual/hybrid experiences to promote inclusive participation in our discipline.
Section affiliations:
Space Physics and Aeronomy