Reaching a K-12 audience

- Nurture young scientists by joining the Bright STaRS program. AGU’s Bright STaRS program; allows middle and high school students to share their research results at the AGU meeting.
- Join the STEM Education Coalition. This group focuses on providing broad-based support to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) programs.
- Get involved in local PTA meetings or school board meetings. One of the best ways to make a difference is to start locally. School boards make many decisions about local education; make sure your voice is heard and consider running as a member.
- Work on state science standards, consider partnering with a local university’s education department or reaching out thoughtfully to local schools.
- Get in touch with organizations dedicated to promoting K-12 Earth and space science such as the National Earth Science Teachers Association, the Visiting Geoscientists guide, AGU’s Sharing Science Network or AAAS’ STEM Volunteers program.

Our programs and resources
Bright STaRS – Learn about our K-12 travel grant opportunity that brings students to AGU’s Fall Meeting to present their scientific posters.
AGU Printable Coloring Book
– Download our coloring book to help students explore Earth and space science through creating their own art.