For Authors

For more than a century, AGU Publications has been supporting researchers to advance the Earth and space sciences.

Authors & AGU Publications

A Leading Publisher in the Scientific Community

AGU maintains high standards and promotes best practices in scholarly publishing. We offer a variety of options to serve the diverse needs of Earth and space scientists around the world:

Author Resources: Supporting Researchers’ Publishing Efforts
The AGU Publications Webinars and Videos page is a free resource for our community of authors, reviewers, and editors, covering a variety of topics (best practices on writing your paper, how to write exceptional reviews, navigating open data and software sharing, and more) and is offered in multiple languages (English, Mandarin, and Spanish).
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Open Science

Open science is a global effort to increase participation in science and access to scientific research for people and communities everywhere. With equity at the forefront, AGU is committed to making your research results and science-based solutions more open and accessible.

Open Access
AGU has made it easier than ever for all scientists to publish and reach the widest possible audience, with open access options in all AGU journals. AGU’s equitable approach to publishing fees means all accepted papers get published, regardless of the author’s ability to pay. Learn more about publishing open access with AGU.

FAIR Data and Software
AGU requires that underlying data and software needed to understand, evaluate, and build upon the reported research be available at the time of peer review and publication. For more information and guidance, visit the Data and Software for Authors page.

Inclusive Practices in Publishing
AGU is fostering equity and inclusion in scientific publishing to ensure that our content and publications processes fairly and inclusively represent all people and communities.