Jordan Allen

AGU Council Student and Early Career Positions

Student Representative


Graduate Student, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA, USA

AGU embraces the global community and welcomes diverse leaders from around the world, representing various identities, voices, and perspectives. List any identities, voices, and perspectives you would bring, including but not limited to nationality, regional representations, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and any other identity you feel comfortable sharing.

As scientists we bring so many identities and perspectives to the world of science. I am a Black male and first-generation college student. I envision the future of science leadership and education to be at the forefront of creating inclusive environments for all and is representative of all people. Despite facing the barriers of being a first-generation college student I have always had an innate hunger for knowledge. My underprivileged background and compassion for others has inspired me to uplift underrepresented groups and pursue a career in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). I have embraced and internalized my journey, and it is modeled through my dedication to education, mentorship, and leadership. Education is our passport to the future. However, access, retention, and success remain a challenge for underserved groups in STEM fields. The geoscience student population in the U.S. is one of the least diverse STEM disciplines. I want to be the voice for identifying policies that have and continue to create barriers that are in place to hinder progress and restrict access to education, government, and industry. The perspective I want to bring is to help design policies and initiatives to address the lack of diversity in higher education and leadership.

Volunteer experience that relates to this position:

I am committed to leadership; as an undergraduate I helped create the Environmental Science Club, organized programs for the student body such as “Clean the Streams” and “Campus Clean Up.” I worked to educate students on environmental stewardship. I've also volunteered at tutoring programs as an Oasis mentor in Colorado, DHS Children, Youth & Family Division for high-risk youth. Lastly, I developed a mentoring program, “Promoting Leadership and Uplifting Students,” to serve my community.


This leadership position is a liaison role; it aims to catalyze community and build AGU as envisioned by the strategic plan. How will you engage with other students and early career scientists to share, and solicit inputs to, important strategic discussions and actions being undertaken by the Council? Relating to AGU’s strategic plan, what features of the plan do you think are most exciting for the student and early career communities to engage with and advance?

Initially, we should raise awareness about AGU’s strategic plan through education and outreach. Every member and future member should know about this plan and how it will impact their future. Most importantly, we should express how each person is a part of this plan. Let's start at the grassroots level. If students don't feel a part of the plan, we should seek feedback on how we can improve going forward. I think one of the most exciting goals of the plan is to promote and exemplify an inclusive scientific culture. Developing a more equitable environment can increase engagement and collaboration, which may lead to meaningful changes in policy and elevate a diverse set of role models within STEM to better serve the world.

We need ACTION! We must be innovative in how we communicate science through education and outreach. To support these efforts, we need sustained funding and innovative community engagement. We must dedicate our efforts to establish a network of leaders willing to communicate the importance of science at all levels of community, education, government, and industry. Through increased opportunity and access for all, our world will one day witness the rise of environmental leaders who wield the appropriate tools to holistically address environmental issues. I aim to help develop policies that make science more accessible, culturally sensitive, and inclusive by equipping leaders with the perspectives, skills, and solidarity to address barriers that restrict advancement.

Section affiliations:

Atmospheric Sciences; Global Environmental Change