Enrico Camporeale

Nonlinear Geophysics



Research Scientist, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA

AGU embraces the global community and welcomes diverse leaders from around the world, representing various identities, voices, and perspectives. List any identities, voices, and perspectives you would bring, including but not limited to nationality, regional representations, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and any other identity you feel comfortable sharing.

I have lived as a “foreigner” for almost half of my life, working in 4 different countries across two continents.

Volunteer experience that relates to this position:

Sessions convener at AGU Fall Meeting (since 2015) and European Space Weather Week (since 2016); organizer of Lorentz Center workshop “Space Weather: A Multidisciplinary Approach”; chair of conference Machine Learning in Heliophysics; associate editor of Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate; topical editor of Machine Learning in Heliophysics; mentor for the Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) program; lecturer for the International School of Space Science; reviewer for NASA, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).


This leadership position is a liaison role; it is one that aims to catalyze community and build AGU as envisioned by the strategic plan. How will you engage with members of your section to advance AGU’s strategic plan? How will you facilitate engagement with other sections and people outside AGU to support our mission?

The AGU leadership has done a terrific job in defining the new strategic plan, and I intend to work closely with both the new president and secretary to help implement it.
The AGU mission in educating and inspiring the next generation of scientists while increasing the diversity of the talent pool must lie at the heart of everything AGU does. I will be proactive in engaging with the younger members of the geophysics community and in making sure that diversity, inclusion, equity, ethics and cultural awareness will be taken into consideration in every step.

I believe that the Nonlinear Geophysics section will witness some radical transformations in the years to come. Traditionally focused on chaos, nonlinear dynamics, and complex systems, the section is becoming more and more transdisciplinary. No area of geophysics is immune to the paradigm shift that is currently happening, where data-driven approaches and methodologies borrowed from artificial intelligence are becoming the fourth pillar of science, integrating theory, experiments and simulations in unforeseen ways.

While the majority of AGU scientists typically engage with no more than one or two sections that they feel are most relevant to their field of study, these new emerging methodologies and technologies are bridging several fields by providing common grounds and converging terminologies and calling for a common home for all interdisciplinary research that focuses on the exploitation of data-driven techniques.

In my view, the Nonlinear Geophysics section would exactly serve that role, actively partnering with other scientific and societal organizations.

Section affiliations:
Earth and Space Science Informatics; Nonlinear Geophysics; Space Physics and Aeronomy