Microplastics are everywhere. Understanding the processes, concentrations and effects of macro-, micro- and nano-plastics in the hydrologic and atmospheric systems is critical if we are to manage and clean our Earth for future generations.
Weathering of a single microplastic particle can yield up to billions of nanoplastics and nanoplastic pollution is expected to be ubiquitous in the environment. Nanoplastics...
The global demand for plastics has surged exponentially, due to their versatility, affordability, and wide range of applications. A total of 8.3 billion tonnes of plastics...
The increasing threat from plastic pollution has promoted the widespread application of biodegradable plastic. In agriculture, biodegradable plastic, mainly in the form of...
Agricultural single-use plastic is increasingly widespread, with plastic mulch covering millions of acres globally. U.S. farms generate over 800 million pounds of plastic...
Alexis Gillmore + Anton F Astner + Douglas G Hayes ...
Motivation: The polymer polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) is a common constituent of biodegradable plastic mulches for use in agricultural row crop systems. Biodegradable...