Sunbeam through rocky archway

eLightning Session Chair Guidelines During the Meeting


Oral and eLightning sessions at the AGU Fall Meeting, will make use of  Zoom Webinar. In joining these, all attendees will be offered the option of using a web browser rather than the Zoom app. Most major participant functions are supported in the browser, including sharing screens, chat, and breakout rooms. For a full list of functions and information on supported browsers, see here

The live Q&A sessions will be recorded and available to view in the online program approximately 48 hours after the session and throughout the meeting. This is so attendees can view the presentations and discussions on their own time schedules.

AGU would like to assure that all meeting participants feel safe, welcomed and included and that our meetings promote and help reflect diversity, inclusion and excellence in science.

During your live eLightning session:

  • 1
    Ensure that all speakers are treated equally and have their fully allotted time.
  • 2
    Take a minute at the start of the session for an introduction to be given by the session chair(s). The chair can use this time to familiarize the audience with the format and topic of the session and note when the audience can ask questions (either at the end of the lightning presentations, during group discussion or at the individual presenter’s text chat following the group time).
  • 3
    Moderated discussion should follow the conclusion of all lightning presentations.
  • 4
    Please be aware of signs of aggressive questioning which may border on bullying, especially if directed towards student or early career scientists. Please intervene in real time if you witness such behavior.
  • 5
    An online chair evaluation will be sent to you a few days prior to the meeting. Please be sure to complete it as soon as your session is complete.
Aerial view of green forest in Brazil


Where do I find the session schedule?
Please view the online program/schedule to view the schedule of your session. Each presenting author has been allocated a short presentation time during the live session.

When do I log in?
You can log in to the virtual platform 30 minutes prior to start of session. Please be sure to have joined at least 20 minutes in advance.

What is required of the presenter?
Presenters will give a brief introduction and overview of their abstract, display their virtual poster, and will participate in moderated Q&A, if allotted, with the other authors, chairs and registered attendees in the session.

What is the role of the session chair?
The session chairs will moderate the session, introduce presenters, and moderate Q&A with authors and text chat with registered attendees.

Will there be technical support?
Yes, technical support will be available to help with any technical issues, assist in managing text chat and beginning and closing live sessions.

Sunset in the desert with joshua trees


No Photos icon

AGU’s Photography and Social Media Guidelines apply in a virtual meeting. Screen captures are allowed for personal use unless the presenter indicates otherwise by adding the icon below on their poster or slides. Recording is prohibited.

AGU suggests that the chairs confirm that presenters are aware of AGU’s guidelines in advance of the session, so that they can use the “No Photo” icon in their presentation if desired.

Session chairs should also remind the audience to honor a presenter’s preference and refrain from copying images if they display the icon during their presentation.