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Our 24 peer reviewed journals are driven by editors who are recognized experts and leaders in their respective research areas. AGU is a leader among societies in making open science achievable, with more than 70% of our articles publishing immediate open access.
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AGU books support the needs of Earth and space scientists in the 21st century for research, learning, teaching, and professional development. Our books cover the full breadth of Earth and space sciences.
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AGU special collections feature premier Earth and space science research focusing on a particular topic, significant event, or prominent theme.
Other Publications
ESS Open Archive
A preprint and community server where scientists can share early research outputs including preprints and conference posters.
Geoscience in Action
A special report demonstrating how geoscientists can use their knowledge, skills, and competencies to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Streetcar 2 Subduction
A collection of interactive geological field trips in the San Francisco Bay Area that can be undertaken virtually or in person.