Science Policy Resources
AGU’s science policy resources equip members to advocate on issues in the Earth and space sciences. Through advocacy and partnerships, AGU strengthens the scientific community’s voice in shaping both U.S. and global policies.

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Stay engaged with these timely resources for impactful policy action.
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Explore AGU’s science policy resources for engagement, including toolkits, webinars and letters.
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A guide to choosing the best social media channels to share your science.
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A guide to choosing the best social media channels to share your science.
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The AGU Congressional Science Fellowship program places highly qualified and accomplished scientists, engineers, and other professionals in the office of an individual member of Congress or on a committee for a one-year assignment.
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AGU is a global community of more than half a million scientists, professionals and allies in the Earth and space sciences. Through broad and inclusive partnerships, AGU accelerates knowledge and creates solutions that are ethical, unbiased, and respectful of communities and their values.
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Appropriations is lingo for legislation that allocates funding to the government. Join the AGU Public Affairs team as they answer your frequently asked question “What is appropriations and how does it impact science?” It’s appropriations 101 in less than two minutes.
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Blogging provides you with a regular, longer-format means of talking about your science. The best bloggers are excellent storytellers who incorporate photos and other graphics into their posts. They also post regularly, respond quickly to comments, and engage readers in conversations around their content.
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Immediate and coordinated actions to limit and adapt to human-caused climate change are needed to protect human and ecological health, economic well-being, and global security.
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CTBT द्वारा अधिदेशित निगरानी स्टेशनों का वैश्विक नेटवर्क संधि सत्यापन और प्रवर्तन के लिए अंतरराष्ट्रीय लक्ष्यों को पूरा करता है, और राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा के साथ-साथ भूकंप और अन्य प्राकृतिक खतरों को कम करने में योगदान देता है।
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Le réseau mondial de stations de surveillance prescrit par le TICE répond aux objectifs internationaux pour la vérification et l’application du traité, et contribue à la sécurité nationale ainsi qu’à la réduction des risques sismiques et autres catastrophes naturelles.
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A rede global de estações de monitoramento exigidas pelo CTBT atende às metas internacionais de verificação e cumprimento de tratados e contribui para a segurança nacional, bem como para a mitigação de terremotos e outros perigos naturais.
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Los peligros a los que se enfrenta el mundo de hoy - pandemias, cambio climático, degradación medioambiental - están inextricablemente relacionados entre sí y con los sistemas y acciones humanos y naturales.
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The Capability to Monitor the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Should be Expanded, Completed, and Sustained. The global network of monitoring stations mandated by the CTBT meets international goals for treaty verification and enforcement, and contributes to national security, as well as to mitigation of earthquake and other natural hazards.
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it’s vital that scientists share the value of science with their legislators. If you don’t have time for an in-person visit with your elected officials, either in their home district or in Washington, D.C., you can speak out by calling or writing.
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Scientific manuscripts allow you to tell other scientists about your research. A plain language summary allows you to explain your science to broader audiences.
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Earth and space science data are a world heritage, and an essential part of the science ecosystem. All players in the science ecosystem—researchers, repositories, publishers, funders, institutions, etc.—should work to ensure that relevant scientific evidence is processed, shared, and used ethically, and is available, preserved, documented, and fairly credited.
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