Position Statements
Position statements & resources
AGU offers resources on issues related to Earth and space science. Our science impacts areas from agriculture to energy and we hope to enable our scientists and policymakers to develop solutions to these issues.
Our position statements provide scientific expertise on significant policy issues related to our science. They are developed by a task force of experts, submitted for a member review period, and approved by AGU’s Board and Council. Members can propose new position statements via this form.
Explore by topic area.
Climate and environment
Position Statement: Ocean Research and Education are Foundations for Economic Growth.
This position statement is currently under revision by a writing panel of experts from AGU’s community as part of a recurring four-year review process to reflect current research and understanding of the issue. The community comment period for this position statement ran from 5 December to 20 January 2023 and is now closed. The expert writing panel will now work to incorporate the community’s views to finalize the draft and ensure that the science is reflected accurately. The draft statement will then go for review before the AGU Position Statement Committee, Council and Board.
Fact sheet on climate change.
Fact sheet on natural hazards.
Fact sheet on natural resources.

Economics, data and education
Position Statement: Preserving open data as a world heritage to secure our future.
Position Statement: Science Communication Needs to be Inclusive and Intentional.
Position Statement: The Responsibilities and Rights of Scientists
Fact Sheet on economic value.

Health and security
Position Statement: GeoHealth: A Transdisciplinary Science for Global Environmental and Human Health (Chinese) (French) (Hindi) (Portuguese) (Spanish).
Fact Sheet on Geohealth.
Fact sheet on National security.