Supporting Students Leveraging Scientific Education to Benefit Society
The David S. Miller Young Scientist Scholarship is for undergraduate and graduate students in geo-environmental sciences or engineering. This scholarship is for students who exhibit an interest and academic potential in fields related to Earth science. One scholarship is awarded each year to a student who demonstrates an ability to leverage their scientific education to benefit society.
Recipients of this scholarship do not automatically receive a student travel grant for AGU’s Annual Meeting but are encouraged to apply directly for a travel grant.
- A $2,000 scholarship
Criteria for a Successful Application
Applications are initially ranked by grade point average and financial need. The top 50% of applicants based on that criteria are then forwarded on for scientific review.
Review committees will consider the scientific and intellectual merit and potential for achievement in a career in the geo-environmental sciences or geo-environmental engineering.
- be enrolled in undergraduate studies and have completed at least four full semesters or be enrolled in graduate studies
- demonstrate financial need by current annual income range
- have a minimum GPA of 3.4