Recognizing Outstanding Contributions to Geodesy
The John Wahr Early Career Award, formerly the Geodesy Section Award, is presented annually and recognizes significant advances in geodetic science, technology, applications, observations, or theory. The award is given to early or mid-career scientists who demonstrate the potential to be elected AGU Fellows in the future through outstanding contributions to geodesy.
- Award plaque
- Recognition at AGU's annual meeting during the award presentation year
- Ticket to the Geodesy section event that occurs at AGU's annual meeting during the award presentation year
About the Geodesy Section
The Geodesy Section focuses on the study of the geometrical, structural, and gravitational properties of the Earth, their time evolution, and the dynamic interactions of the solid Earth with other physical components of the Earth system (atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, and the core), at a wide range of temporal and spatial scales.
- an active AGU member
- primarily or secondarily affiliated with the Geodesy section
- an early-career scientist within 10 years of receiving their Ph.D.
Nominators are not required to hold an active AGU membership.