Member Since 1992
Allen H. Goldstein
Professor, University of California Berkeley
Professional Experience
University of California Berkeley
Honors & Awards
Yoram J. Kaufman Outstanding and Unselfish Cooperation in Research Award
Received December 2019
Allen H. Goldstein received the Yoram J. Kaufman Outstanding Research and Unselfish Cooperation Award at AGU’s Fall Meeting 2019, held 9–13 December in San Francisco, Calif. The award recognizes “broad influence in atmospheric science through excepti...
Allen H. Goldstein received the Yoram J. Kaufman Outstanding Research and Unselfish Cooperation Award at AGU’s Fall Meeting 2019, held 9–13 December in San Francisco, Calif. The award recognizes “broad influence in atmospheric science through exceptional creativity, inspiration of younger scientists, mentoring, international collaborations, and unselfish cooperation in research.”  

The Atmospheric Sciences section of AGU awards the 2019 Yoram J. Kaufman Outstanding Research and Unselfish Cooperation Award to Allen H. Goldstein for his broad influence in the field of atmospheric chemistry and for his role in advancing observations and understanding of the organic constituents in the atmosphere.

Allen has been a pioneer in designing, building, and deploying sophisticated instruments for analyzing organic gases and aerosols, enabling novel measurements of their temporal variability and complex speciation. His groups’ measurements and insights have helped redefine conventional wisdom regarding the complexity of atmospheric chemistry, including the sources, fate, and impacts of organic chemicals. He has provided unselfish cooperation in research through leadership for numerous field campaigns that revealed processes and chemical composition of primary emissions, unraveled chemical pathways that control their atmospheric transformation, and advanced understanding of interactions between biogenic and anthropogenic emissions affecting ozone and aerosol formation. Another clear example of Allen’s unselfish cooperation in research is the AmeriFlux/FluxNet database for the Blodgett Forest Research Station site, which he began in the 1990s and ran for more than a decade. These data have been used extensively in publications focusing on ecosystem–atmosphere interactions related to carbon, water, and energy cycling for which Dr. Goldstein is not a coauthor but is often acknowledged.

Dr. Goldstein has mentored many current and emerging leaders in the field of atmospheric chemistry as students or postdocs in his research group. He has also been particularly passionate about developing, inspiring, and mentoring younger scientists from around the globe. For example, Allen provided years of leadership for the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) project, whose mission is to facilitate atmospheric chemistry research toward a sustainable world through fostering community and building scientific capacity. Allen has collaborated with a wide range of scientists in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, and South America, in both research and community-building activities.

—Ann-Marie Carlton, University of California, Irvine

I am deeply honored to receive the Yoram J. Kaufman Award. It is humbling to be recognized for cooperating with all the people who make doing the work I am passionate about so fulfilling. Atmospheric science is a richly diverse and exciting field at the intersection of Earth system science, climate, natural biogeochemical processes, and human influences. While individual researchers certainly make important contributions, the major advances in our field today are achieved mainly through thoughtful and unselfish cooperation in research in the tradition of Yoram Kaufman. This is particularly true when it comes to major field campaigns that involve a large number of research teams from around the world, bringing together an amazing array of people, instrumentation, models, and expertise, to advance understanding. I sincerely thank all my wonderful colleagues in the global atmospheric science community who have supported and enabled my ability to contribute to these collaborative scientific efforts. I am grateful to my undergraduate advisor at University of California, Santa Cruz, Ken Bruland, who led me toward environmental and analytical chemistry, and my Ph.D. advisor at Harvard, Steve Wofsy, who led me into the field of atmospheric chemistry. The opportunity to make my career at University of California, Berkeley doing scientific research and teaching has truly been a privilege, and I deeply appreciate all my colleagues there who have made it such a wondering and thought-provoking environment. I thank all the program managers and agencies who have supported my research program. I am particularly indebted to all the graduate students and postdocs who have been members of my research group and enabled us to make scientific advances. Helping you build successful careers and lives has been extremely gratifying and enriching. Finally, I express gratitude to my wife and the rest of my family for all their support and encouragement. Without them, my life and career would be far less meaningful. —Allen H. Goldstein, University of California, Berkeley
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Union Fellow
Received January 2011
For groundbreaking research on the chemistry and emissions of natural and anthropogenic trace gases and aerosols in the atmosphere.
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AGU Abstracts
Characterizing Urban CH4 Sources in the San Francisco Bay Area Using a Mobile Platform
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Haley Byrne, Erin Katz, Caleb Arata, Allen H. Gold...
In order to combat the substantial short-term warming effects of methane (CH4), California has set an ambitious goal of reducing 2030 CH4 emissions by...
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Improved WRF-Chem representation of VOC chemistry from VCP and cooking emissions
atmospheric sciences | 14 december 2023
Qindan Zhu, Rebecca Schwantes, Brian C. McDonald, ...
Volatile organic compound (VOC) reactions with hydroxyl radicals (OH) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) fuel the production of air pollutants like ozone and p...
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Semivolatile Organic Emissions from Consumer Products and their Potential Contributions to Particulate Pollution in the Modern Megacity
atmospheric sciences | 14 december 2023
Emily Franklin, Rose K. Rossell, Katelyn Rediger, ...
Secondary organic aerosol (SOA), particulate matter formed in the atmosphere from the oxidation of gas phase emissions, plays an important role in bot...
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