Recognizing early career contributions to Cryospheric Sciences and Technology
The Cryosphere Early Career Award is presented annually and recognizes significant early career contributions to cryospheric sciences and technology from honorees within 10 years of receiving their Ph.D.
Formerly known as the Cryosphere Young Investigator Award, the Cryosphere Early Career Award is presented at the Cryosphere section reception during the AGU Fall Meeting.
- An award certificate
- A $700 prize from the National Snow and Ice Data Center
- Recognition in Eos
- Recognition at AGU's annual meeting during the award presentation year
- Ticket to the Cryosphere section reception at AGU's annual meeting during the award presentation year
About the Cryosphere Section
Cryospheric science studies the portion of the Earth’s surface where water is in a solid form, usually snow or ice. This includes ice sheets, glaciers, sea ice, freshwater ice, snow, and permafrost (frozen ground).
In AGU, the Cryosphere Section has over 1300 members as their primary affiliation. The goal of this web site is to make relevant and timely information available to the cryospheric science community. The site is updated regularly and you will find highlights of AGU developments of interest to cryospheric scientists as well as opportunities to give your input into AGU and Cryosphere Sciences Section activities.
- be an active AGU member
- have a primary affiliation with the AGU Cryosphere section
- be an early-career scientist within 10 years of receiving their Ph.D