AGU College of Fellows Mentoring Network
About the network
Transitioning into the professional arena from a doctoral program or a postdoc can be difficult. The AGU College of Fellows Mentoring Network is an initiative of the College of Fellows that goes beyond traditional mentoring by creating groups, or small networks, that include senior scientist mentors and peer mentors, which meet virtually once per month over the course of a year. Each network is composed of two senior scientists and six early career scientists. The network helps broaden opportunities and limit the obstacles for early career scientists just starting out professionally in the Earth and space sciences. Mentors share their experiences and support burgeoning early career scientists and mentees are empowered by a network of peers and mentors. See below for how to apply.
If this doesn’t seem like the right fit for you, learn about our other mentoring programs.
Requirements and eligibility
1All applicants must be current AGU members.
2Mentor applicants must have completed their PhD at least five years prior to applying.
3Mentee applicants must have received their PhD no more than five years prior.
4Before being accepted into the AGU College of Fellows Mentoring Network program, participants must fill out an online application.
5Mentors will be required to attend a training call
6All participants must dedicate one hour per month to network calls and any time necessary to prepare for effective participation in the calls.
7All participants will be expected to fill out online evaluations biannually and are highly encouraged to attend AGU’s Fall Meeting.
2024 Application Timeline
TBD – Applications open
(Choose mentor/mentee, sign in using AGU membership email, receive email with application link)
TBD – Mentor and Mentee applications close
TBD – Mentor pairs are selected and notifications sent
TBD – Mentoring groups are matched, Mentor training occurs
TBD – Mentoring groups begin