Jule Gregory Charney Lecture
Congratulations 2023 Section Award and Lecture Honorees!
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Career Stage
Award Type
Section Lectures
Of Note
Invitation to present at annual meeting
Submission Window
17 January - 27 March
Established 1993

Recognizing Exceptional Contributions to the Understanding of Weather and Climate

The Jule Gregory Charney Lecture is presented annually to a prominent scientist who has made exceptional contributions to the understanding of weather and climate. The Charney Lecture honors the memory of Jule G. Charney, a dominant figure in atmospheric science over the three decades following World War II. He influenced the change in meteorology from an art to a science and demonstrated commitment to the people and programs in this field.

The Charney Lecture is also a part of the Bowie Lecture Series, established in 1989 to commemorate the 50th presentation of the William Bowie medal, AGU's highest honor. The Bowie medal is named in honor of AGU's first president. The award is presented at the Atmospheric Sciences business meeting during the AGU Fall Meeting.

Recipients of this medal typically conduct research in Atmospheric Science, Biogeosciences, GeoHealth, Global Environmental Change, Hydrology, Ocean Sciences, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, Planetary Sciences, Volcanology-Geochemistry-Petrology, or related fields.

Honor Benefits
Recipients receive the following:

  • A lecture certificate
  • Recognition in Eos
  • Recognition at AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded
  • An invitation to present the Charney Lecture at AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded
  • Ticket to the Atmospheric Sciences business meeting at AGU's annual meeting the year the honor is awarded

About the Atmospheric Sciences Section

The Atmospheric Sciences Section studies the physics, chemistry, and dynamics of the atmosphere, particularly the two layers closest to Earth’s surface, the stratosphere and troposphere. These layers are crucial to life because they regulate the planetary surface temperature, play an integral role in the world’s water cycle, and screen the planet from high-energy radiation.


The nominee must be an active AGU member.
Nominators must be active AGU members.
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