AGU Leadership: Council
AGU's Council enables input from leaders representing a wide variety of our members. While the Board is responsible for the overall health of the organization, the Council is responsible for scientific affairs. The Council plays three unique and critical roles: forming science policy, generating and deliberating science-related ideas, and advising on science and member issues.
The Council is chaired by AGU’s president-elect, who along with AGU’s executive director/CEO, president, and Council vice chair serves on both the Board and Council to ensure consistency, continuity and communication throughout AGU leadership. The Council meets four times per year, in a combination of virtual and in-person meetings.
Council Leadership Team
The Council Leadership Team has nine members and meets monthly by conference call; it has the authority to conduct Council affairs in between full Council meetings. AGU’s president-elect chairs the Council Leadership Team and the seven members are elected by the Council, including one who serves as Council vice chair. AGU’s executive director/CEO is a nonvoting member.